Website: www.sky-in-motion.de ยป
I create in my spare time as an astronomer astronomical time-lapse movies. I want to show the movements of the starry heavens. Since 1992 I already dealing with astronomy and since 1996 I am regularly traveling the world.
A heart shapes Lenticularis cloud
A mountain in the swiss
Allsky Milky Way
Allsky of Milkyway in the South See
Arches National Park
Arches National Park
Arches National Park
Ayers Rock
Canyon de Chelly
Capitol Reef
Cheeps in New Zealand
Clouds over the Saastal
Cloudy sunrise
Comet C/2020 F3 Neowise
Delicate Arch
Ermitta Virgen del Pino
Fuencaliente La Palma
Gemini north telescope
Gemini-North-Telescope - Mauna Kea
Gestationary Satelites
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon in moonlight
Grand Canyon in Moonlight
Grand Canyon in moonlight and morning twilight
Grand Canyon North Rim
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