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TEMPONAUT produces time-lapse videos since 2005
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Cress Sprouts and Shoots
Crickets Eating Banana
Crickets Eating Salad
Crickets Eating Salad Macro
Crispbread Sideview
Crocus Flowering
Crossing Hudson
Crosswalk Tokyo
Crowds of People at the Wiesn
Crowds of People with St. Pauls
Crystallizing Egg
Crystallizing Egg Macro
Cumelo Fruit
Cumulonimbus - Two Footage Clips
Cumulonimbus Clouds in Blue Sky
Cumulus Congestus
Daffodil Bouquet in Vase
Daimon Gate Zojo-ji-Temple Toyko, Japan
Dancing Clouds
Dandelion Close Up 4K
Dandelion Close Up Shot - 2 Clips in 4K
Dandelion Long Shot - 2 Clips in 4K
Danube Bend
Dark Clouds
Dark Clouds
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