Website: www.sky-in-motion.de ยป
I create in my spare time as an astronomer astronomical time-lapse movies. I want to show the movements of the starry heavens. Since 1992 I already dealing with astronomy and since 1996 I am regularly traveling the world.
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Haleakala vulcano
Milky Way Day/night
Milky Way over the clouds
Roque de los Muchachos
Pico Birigoyo, La Palma
Ermitta Virgen del Pino
Milky Way at southern sky
Sunrise Allalin
Ayers Rock
Clouds over the Saastal
Gestationary Satelites
Gemini north telescope
Twilight Swiss Mountains
Saddle Road Hawaii
Sunrise at Kauai
Mauna Kea and Saddle Road
La Palma under clouds
Twelve Apostle
Skyline Sydney
Milky Way to north
Haleakala moonset and sunrise
Total Sun Eclipse 2012 Australia
Sunset Mittelallalin, Swiss
A mountain in the swiss
Sunset at the Atlantic Ocean
Moonset at Grand Canyon
Moonset at rand Canyon
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