Website: www.sky-in-motion.de ยป
I create in my spare time as an astronomer astronomical time-lapse movies. I want to show the movements of the starry heavens. Since 1992 I already dealing with astronomy and since 1996 I am regularly traveling the world.
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Sunset at Canadas del Teide
Science on top of Mauna Kea
Moonset Haleakala
Roque de los Muchachos
Telescope on La Palma
Mauna Kea Observatory
Pizza in the oven
Gemini-North-Telescope - Mauna Kea
Vulcano Kilauea
Kilauea Volcano
Kilauea Crater
Mauna Kea and Kilauea Volcano
Observatory - Canada-France-Hawaiian-Telescope
Setting Earthshadow with Teide